Girl Genius
Girl Genius

This is a page devoted to obscure characters who are associated with the Wulfenbach Family as either minions or as enemies. Given the habits of Baron Wulfenbach and the nature of Europan politics they are not easily separated into his friends and his enemies and may well change places in the list as the story develops. Some have already been given pages and appear under Category:Wulfenbach minions.

Deep Thinker

Klaus may or may not have been talking about constructs like this fellow on this page where he refers to them as the "Deep thinkers".

(We're probably talking about Kleegon here.)

This particular construct appears to be an attempt at a biological computer, something like Frank Herbert's Mentat. This is reasonable if you posit that biological science raced ahead of physics during the equivalent of our nineteenth century. On the other hand, you could obtain the same or similar result by positing that both biological sciences and physics and mechanics raced ahead at the same time the way they did in our universe, but there were other factors that held back economic and industrial development. In such a case you might well find pockets of highly advanced technology mixed in with horse drawn vehicles and steam driven machinery.

Philosopher King of the University of Aalborg

This self-described "Philosopher King" is at the head of a loose coalition of the "Old Duchies of Smattersburg." He believes that the Heterodyne heir and the Baron will destroy one another. No image of him is provided in the story yet, but the "Deep Thinker" mentions him here in the top right hand panel. Aalborg itself is a real town in the nation of Denmark in our part of the universe. The Duchies of Smattersburg appear to be entirely fictional. Aalborg went from a fishing/industrial center to a university town which, may have been the motivation for the Professors Foglio to put it into the story. We will have to wait for the story to develop further before we can say whether or not the "Philosopher King of the University of Aalborg" is a friend, or enemy or perhaps he is a frenemy, much as Tarsus Beetle was, of Klaus Wulfenbach.

The Fifty Families

Probably, if the Fifty Families had stuck together as a unit, they could have fended off Klaus Wulfenbach and his "Pax Transylvania". Of course, stupid is as stupid does and so not only did they NOT stick together, they appear to have tried to act alone or in small coalitions against the Baron.

He now holds their offspring hostage on Castle Wulfenbach, but ostensibly the children are there as students. This has given Klaus an opportunity to have a hand in shaping their personalities while they are young. Most likely the Baron hopes that these young people will will have enjoyed their stay on Castle Wulfenbach and so will look upon him and his with some favour. It is worth noting that Tarvek Sturmvoraus, pretender to the Throne of the Storm King, was most upset when he got sent home from Castle Wulfenbach. Most of his resentment of Gil seems to center around Gil's apparent complicity in having Tarvek sent away. This suggests that Klaus may well be succeeding in his plan to influence the future through the children of the Fifty Families. Zulenna is a counter example. Also, there appears to have been two attempts by the Fifty Families to unseat the Baron. The first was The Storm King conspiracy, which is still unfolding, and the second is obviously this division of dragoons now marching toward Mechanicsburg. These dragoons probably have orders to take Mechanicsburg, kill the heir of the Heterodynes, kill Gilgamesh Wulfenbach and the Baron if they can catch him in the Great Hospital. They have no worries about anyone killing their heirs because the Baron and his heir are in Mechanicsburg. Also, a distorted version of Zulenna Luzhakna's death has no doubt made the rounds among the Fifty Families. They are not likely to look upon Tarvek Sturmvoraus with any kindness either, or the dragoons would have struck at the same time the Knights of Jove struck with their war stompers.

The Popular Uprising

Ostensibly, this is part and parcel with The Storm King conspiracy. However, the Storm King conspiracy is falling apart like a stale cookie, which to these people does not matter. They have been infected with slaver wasps which are giving them subtle orders and they are now marching to Mechanicsburg in support of the Heterodyne Heiress whom the Knights of Jove intended to be Zola Malfeazium, not Agatha Heterodyne.

It is unlikely that Zolu (Zola with Lucrezia's personality downloaded to her brain) has the ability to order revenants around the way Lunevka could or even Agatha when she is angry or allows Lucrezia to have control of her voice. Zolu does not have Lucrezia's vocal cords, but Lunevka probably has a tympanum, like a modern speaker, which allows her to mimic any sound she can hear. Agatha, being a direct descendant of Lucrezia(her daughter) can sound exactly like her whenever she really wants to and occasionally does so on accident.


Lunevka is a fan term for the version of Lucrezia Mongfish riding around in a new head that Tarvek constructed for a copy of Lucrezia and mounted it on the body of Anevka Sturmvoraus. The head that Anevka was in has been turned off and put in storage. We cannot say with any certainty that Anevka is truly dead. Anevka's original body died, but what does that mean in a world wherein it is possible to transfer personalities and memories from one body to another, whether those bodies are biological or mechanical? Whatever on earth possessed anyone to think that it was not possible for comics to address serious issues?

Lunevka has moved into Klaus's room at the Great Hospital and is now firmly in charge of him, or so she thinks. Klaus apparently resists the influence of the wasp infecting him to stay awake despite her orders to the contrary. He orders Bangladesh Dupree to bring Phil Foglio in to tell him a boring story so that he can comply with Lunevka's and everyone else's wishes and go to sleep. (Philbert Foglio is such a bad story teller that the Great Hospital uses him as a substitute for tranquilizers and pain killers.) After Dupree escorts Philbert to Klaus's room, Klaus tells him an outlandish story about the Storm King-to-be and what happened with him and a Giantess after the boy's father was enchanted by a witch. The story is evidently a complete fabrication on the part of Klaus and Philbert insists that he has never heard it. So Klaus tells him that it was in a book with all the stories of the Storm King authored by the renowned Hungarian storyteller Masat, and that his son, Gilgamesh, has the book. Philbert leaves in a hurry for Castle Heterodyne to find Gil, no doubt hoping to get a look at the book in his possession. It is fairly obvious this story is actually intended to slip a coded message past Lunevka to Gil, but what exactly that message is is never made explicitly clear. One popular fan-theory (shared by Tarvek) is that he is warning Gil ("the prince") that Klaus ("the enchanted wolf-king") has been wasped by Lucrezia ("the witch"), and begging his son to kill him, possibly by sending Von Pinn ("the hairpin/sword") to do the job. Another idea that has been floated is that Klaus is hoping to have Mamma Gkika and her hairpin sent to him for the same purpose, as she is indeed quite large and the latter object is shaped like a sword and is made of copper or bronze.

Professor Senear

Is a spark who plays his game much like Kim Jong-il does with the United States, striking whenever it is most inconvenient for his foe, Klaus Wulfenbach. Following a crushing defeat at the hands of the Baron, Professor Cornelius Senear requests asylum in Mechanicsburg.

Prince Clemethious Heterodyne

Clemethious Heterodyne is the antagonist of the story Klaus tells Philbert Foglio. Klaus alleges that Clemethious was an evil wizard of great power and that the Storm King's father, wielding the sword Quo Juris, confronted and slew Clemethious. Clemethious was succeeded by his eldest daughter who goes unnamed save to say that she was a witch. According to the novel Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess, Clemethious did indeed exist and battled the original Storm King for control of Europa, though beyond his utter destructive ruthlessness, not much of a description is given of him. A search for a "Clemethious" in this partition of the universe came up dry, but did turn up a river with the name Thiou or Thious. It runs through the French town of Annecy, sometimes referred to as the "Venice of the Alps."

The Heterodyne Witch

Clemethious's eldest daughter who, presumably if the story Klaus is telling Philbert is true, was a powerful witch. She used forgotten magic and obscure science to cast a spell on the Storm King's father, transforming him into a wolf that could emit lightning from his jaws. The Heterodyne Witch rode around on the wolf's back and they wreaked havoc everywhere they went. Klaus is referencing here Euphrosynia Heterodyne, Clemethious's real-life daughter who did in some fashion betray the Storm King, though to date there has been almost no information offered on what she was really like.

Gradox Heterodyne

First known as "The Dour" but later became known as "The Good." This is a character from Klaus's story that he told to Philbert. He may or may not be an actual historical figure and his kinship to the Heterodyne Witch is not explained. Gradox and his reaver bands are said to have come in behind the predations of the Heterodyne Witch and her wolf, the father of the Storm King.

Reavers or Reivers

One could be forgiven for mistaking these characters to be a shout-out to Joss Whedon's Firefly, but there really were "Border Reivers" during the Tudor Period of England.
