Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Lord Floriel Flametongue is a noble red dragon in the service of Baron Wulfenbach. He is not named in the comic, but is bestowed with the contemptuous nickname "Pretty Boy" by fellow dragon Franz Scortchmaw. His name is revealed on a card in the Girl Genius- and Gunnerkrigg Court-themed game Legendary Showdown: Machines and Magic.

Lord Floriel, with his loyal human companion Gazpacho, come to Mechanicsburg along with the rest of the Baron's forces to retrieve the Heterodyne Girl, with or without laying waste to the town. Franz contests him at the city's gates, but the red dragon has the upper hand in their struggle until Agatha gives Franz a power-boost using the Zappy Stick. Their fight is at least temporarily interrupted by the arrival of The Real Knights of Jove.

Pretty Boy seems educated enough to make references to Shakespeare and the Bible. His eye goggles are red as rubies. So he sees (or saw) the world through rose colored lenses just like Othar.

After (presumably) finishing the fight off-camera, Franz has been seen wearing Pretty Boy's faceplate (and horns) as a hat. The novel confirms that while "Florial" suffered a grave wound to his dignity he was otherwise unharmed by the procedure.[1]

Possibly relevant outside information[]

  • Pretty Boy and his sidekick Gazpacho appear to be modeled after Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
  • His canon name emulates his opponent's: Both have forenames beginning in F and surnames (or possibly titles) relating to their flame breath.


  1. Agatha H. and the Siege of Mechanicsburg: "On the ground below, Franz stood over the now-cowering dragon and began to remove its helmet." p. 364 print edition