Girl Genius
Girl Genius

"NOTHING says "spoiled, cowardly son of a great man" like BLACK LEATHER!"
The Fashion Clank[1]
Fashion Clank entire

Full view of the Fashion Clank.

The Fashion Clank is a treaded glass-domed robot knocked together with ridiculous rapidity by Agatha in Revenge of the Weasel Queen Part 2, using a Swiss Army Knife and a coil of wire. Along with "bzzt-ing" at the start of every comment, it speaks with a French accent, suggested by its exclamations ("Mon Dieu!") and tendency towards rudely candid remarks about the clothing of the story's heroes. The clank shows an inclination for creating instantaneous fashion improvements for Agatha , Krosp , and Zeetha in the form of paper dolls. Agatha, however, informs the horrified clank that its true purpose is to convert the carcasses of the giant rabbits killed in Part 1 into disguises for Agatha and her companions to use to infiltrate the lair of Ferretina, the aforementioned Weasel Queen. The clank grudgingly performs this task, and then in Part 3, it unexpectedly pops up again in said lair where it expresses admiration for Ferretina's sartorial choices, and successfully convinces her to run and/or wheel off to Paris with it and open a fashion boutique.

The fashion clank has since periodically interrupted the narrative to offer up paper-doll fashion suggestions for various other characters including Gil, Tarvek, Da Boyz, Klaus, and Bangladesh DuPree.


In performance of Weasel Queen as a radio play, the fashion clank is voiced by Phil Foglio, using a voice similar to that of Wallace Shawn, who played Vizzini in The Princess Bride and voices Rex in the various Toy Story movies.

