Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Agatha briefly encounters this flying freak during the Battle of Mechanicsburg. Slaghammer calls her a false Heterodyne and tells her that he will allow her to polish his claw after she surrenders.

As the siege of the city progresses, Klaus Wulfenbach shows that he's really stopped fooling around with would-be usurpers, leading Igneous to informally join his fellow Spark Cornelius Senear in asking for asylum for him and the claw.

It says something about the world these people live in that he's not the only person we've heard about who is sporting that first name.

The Novels[]

Agatha H and the Siege of Mechanicsburg does not depict Agatha meeting with Slaghammer but does include the later scene where he requests asylum.

See Also[]

Charlemagne Greenclaw, another character with a claw and a low opinion of the new Heterodyne
