Girl Genius
Girl Genius
Forums: Index > Page-by-Page > 2012-02-17 (Friday)

live journal discussion link

Discussion for comic for 2012-02-17 (Friday) . (Chronology Entry)

GG 4


GG 5 least they're not fighting.

Okay, Well, for the most part I have learned a few things from this latest page. One: It's funny, Two: At Least Gil and Tarvek aren't trying to blow a hole through each other and are actually a point, Three: Even in Paris he was trying to put up a front that he was a player-nice, and finally Four: Tarvek just loves to bring Gil down in any way he can (last panel)XD.--Master 3x3lcior 07:06, February 17, 2012 (UTC)
