Girl Genius
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Discussion for comic for 2012-11-30 (Friday) . (Chronology Entry)



Hey, Franz! NIZE HAT! - Jagerdraught Rejectee

Well whadda ya know? Pretty Boy was right about Franz. He is a jumped up samded-spit-frog afterall--not that there's anything wrong with that, Franz ;). -- Billy Catringer (talk) 05:58, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

Ah, good ol Franz!

Anyways, I wonder what he means by cheat a little? We've never actually see him fly (unless that stomp on the suberranarwhal counts), so, the question is open. Given the furnace in his chest (if thats even what it is), I would guess he uses hot air to float. Or maybe It's that he jumps really high and slowly glides down. -- 06:29, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

or he does it the errol way, i.e. via return beam.^^ Finn MacCool (talk) 15:46, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

How about Franz-attached Rocketboosters, you know, the one Tarvek applied on Ol'Someheterodynes-whatshisname Best Sunday Armor? 19:47, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

I've been thinking about how Franz could fly , maybe rip the roof off a building to use as wings? Agathahetrodyne (talk) 18:50, December 1, 2012 (UTC)


The big news of the day is the Kickstarter for the (unfortunately) iOS game Girl Genius and the Rats of Mechanicsburg by Stephen Beeman.

Presumably you have noticed the shout-out in today's comic, Beeman Strasse. Argadi (talk) 10:19, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

Update, Android also (first stretch goal, already unlocked). Argadi (talk) 11:56, December 1, 2012 (UTC)