Girl Genius
Girl Genius

"...I'm Spark enough to return the crown and repair its guardians."

- Trelawney Thorpe, speaking to the "ghost" of King Arthur

A famous Spark and adventurer from England, who has many books written about her. Not unlike those of the Heterodyne Boys, they are apparently heavily embellished, but "these publishers are British"[1], whatever that may signify. Both fictionally and in actuality, she works for the Crown and wears the same service Badge as Ardsley Wooster does (post time-freeze).

Her Associates

She has a vaguely annoying sidekick (or minion), Jolly Jack Tarr, who may be rather less real than Miss Thorpe and mostly seems to be there for her to exposit at. In real life, she and Ardsley are, unsurprisingly, personally acquainted and are, at the very least, friendly with each other.


Trelawny, as drawn by Cheyenne Wright.

She also supposedly "knew" the Iron Sheik and had some sort of noteworthy adventure with a glass dirigible.

Her rogues gallery appears to include such figures as Professor LeMort (think lots and lots of zombie mooks) and Lord Ainsley Houndkicker. LeMort features in Trelawney Thorpe, Spark of the Realm in: The Crown of the Sleeping King, the adventure of hers that is part of the collected works of GG and can be found in full in the back of Agatha Heterodyne and the Airship City and online at Cheyenne Wright's Arcane Times section of the Comic Genesis website.

Trelawney Today

Agatha first hears about Ms. Thorpe while on Castle Wulfenbach where Gil is a fan of her printed adventures, but the British agent enters the main Girl Genius story in person when she meets Agatha, Ardsley and Co. just as the latter individuals arrive in Londinium from Paris. She accompanies them as they all set out to intercept the arriving Madwa Korel and Dio Zardeliv, reporting en route that she has an unnamed contact in Paris who has informed her of Tarvek's being hopefully sent to England.

The Works


Trelawney Thorpe, as she appears in the card game The Works.

Trelawney Thorpe is included in the card game The Works where she is dressed in a green suit (matching the outfit in Cheyenne's comic) and clutches a seemingly sparky-built pot of tea. (Cf. Spark Roast.) Her epithets in the game are Hero, Legend, and Spark.

Apart from her outfit, she appears very similar in the game and eventually the comic.

